Media Contact:
Renee Hornsby, Director of Communications
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, September 2, 2022
MEMPHIS, TENN. – The National Hardwood Lumber Association is working in partnership with the Society of American Foresters (SAF) to offer students of the NHLA Inspector Training School an opportunity to earn Continuing Forestry Education (CFE) credits.
CFE is a mainstay of SAF’s Certified Forester (CF) program, the most established forester credentialing program in the world. The CF credential recognizes those who excel at the stewardship of our nation’s forest resources and set the standard for their peers.
The professional development experienced during the NHLA Inspector Training School is valued by the Society of American Foresters. The CF credential gives students a strong educational foundation, tools, and resources essential for career growth.
Students can now earn 50 CFE (category one) credits by successfully graduating from the 8-week Inspector Training program. Currently, the CFE credits only apply to the Fall 2022 course (Class 200), which begins September 26.
NHLA will continue to submit upcoming courses for review from SAF to allow CFE points to be earned upon graduation. For more information regarding CFE or the Certified Forester program, please visit For more information or to register for the NHLA educational programs, please visit