Hardwood Market Report
Credible. Reliable. Global Market Reach.
Hardwood Market Report® provides benchmark pricing and market commentary on North American hardwood lumber and the lumber products industry. It is a proven and trusted business tool used daily by hardwood professionals. It reaches companies of all sizes at each level of production, distribution, and consumption throughout the world. Hardwood Market Report® has delivered critical market information to the industry without interruption since 1922 and is prepared to serve the next generation.

HMR Executive
HMR Executive® picks up where Hardwood Market Report® ends by exploring ideas and issues that have the potential to alter supply and demand. HMR Demand IndexTM is an exclusive feature of the publication that displays the direction of business for ten major market sectors. The mainstay of HMR Executive® is providing critical information and authoritative perspectives on North American hardwood markets that simply are not available elsewhere. In particular, the year–end and mid–year market analysis publications are widely acclaimed by industry professionals, financial institutions, and equipment and service providers.

HMR Import Newsletter
North America’s only publication dedicated specifically to accurate pricing and market information for imported hardwood lumber. The benchmark pricing and insightful analysis are vital tools for gauging business conditions for imported hardwoods – tools intended especially for companies that import, distribute, or consume temperate and tropical hardwoods. Detailed data tables, creative graphics, and astute commentary convey meaningful market intelligence to readers effectively. This latest member of the HMR family of publications connects with a wide audience in a highly targeted marketplace.

Hardwood Wizard
A powerful search engine created specifically for the hardwood industry with both the buyer and seller in mind. Whether at your desk or on the go, Hardwood Wizard® works across all digital platforms to quickly locate desired items listed by suppliers. The search returns provide email links for immediate interaction with sellers, as well as phone numbers and other contact information.
Hardwood Wizard® is another free user service from HMR®.

HMR and HMR publications are vital sources of market intelligence for hardwood products. These publications are used in business everyday by hardwood companies around the world. It is information these companies pay for and rely upon.
You will not find their copies of Hardwood Market Report®, HMR Executive®, or HMR Import NewsletterTM in the lobby. You will find them on the desks of decision-makers, many of whom are your customers or could be your customers.
There is no better place to spend your advertising dollars than with a publication your customers pay for. And, there are no other business tools available to deliver your brand, products, and services to the hardwood industry as effectively as HMR publications.

Historical Pricing
Tracking price movement over a historical landscape can reveal valuable information. It is an exercise to understand past market performances to gain perspective of current and future business fluctuations. HMR has the most extensive hardwood lumber historical pricing database in the world.
Hardwood Market Report® has decades of accumulated price data for North American hardwood lumber, and HMR Import NewsletterTM is the new price reporting service for selective tropical hardwood species imported into the US and Canada. Contact us to discuss the items needed for your research and the associated costs.

HMR presentations offer a different and often much broader examination of market performance than our publication formats allow. The presentations highlight key indicator results; momentum in current trends; emerging influences and factors that potentially can energize or alter those trends; and how the supply/demand balance might be affected. The visual presentations are inviting and informative to hardwood businesses and are another free online service to subscribers of any HMR publication.