Hardwood Wizard

A powerful search engine created specifically for the hardwood industry with both the buyer and seller in mind. Whether at your desk or on the go, Hardwood Wizard® works across all digital platforms to quickly locate desired items listed by suppliers. The search returns provide email links for immediate interaction with sellers, as well as phone numbers and other contact information.

Hardwood Wizard® is another free user service from HMR.

Hardwood Wizard®


Hardwood Wizard® product searches

Gives users:

  • Fast returns and accurate results … helps you find the items you need when you need them.
  • Works across all digital platforms – desktop and laptop computers as well as mobile devices.
  • Unlimited searches – any time, from anywhere in the world where internet service is available.
  • Choice of products from a wide range of companies having brands that are known and recognized throughout the industry.
  • Options for
    • Contacting individual sellers immediately through email and phone.
    • Printing suppliers’ profile information for future reference.
  • Unlimited browsing capabilities with no risk of unsolicited responses from advertisers.
  • Assurance that all searches are completely confidential.
  • Confidence that no lists of users are compiled, shared, or sold.


Hardwood Wizard® is another free user service from HMR.


Getting connected to Hardwood Wizard®

Users may click on Hardwood Wizard®  in navigation bar and to begin searching for hardwood products. Of course, we are only a phone call or email away should you need help.

Non-subscribers will follow the same process as subscribers, but user authentication (that you are a human and not a robot) may be required before access to Hardwood Wizard® is granted. Users accessing Hardwood Wizard® or any portion of the HMR website must agree to and comply with HMR Website User Agreement.


Be a Hardwood Wizard® Merchant

Opportunities for Hardwood Wizard® Merchants (advertisers)

 Prevailing buyer profile:

  • Hardwood Wizard® search engine is used predominantly for spot purchases.
  • Buyers are searching for specific items necessary to cover unexpected material shortfalls.
  • Buyers searching for materials on Hardwood Wizard® are motivated to purchase.
  • Product availability is the buyer’s first criteria.
  • The supplier’s company brand name is valuable information for the buyer when searches return more than one source.
  • A single spot sale to a new customer can lead to a long-term business relationship.

How the Hardwood Wizard® Merchant system works:

  • Hardwood Wizard® is a business tool for hardwood business people.
  • Buyers have unlimited search capabilities.
  • Searches are established by products to speed the buyer/seller transaction process.
  • Advertisers have complete administrative control over their account, including
    • Unlimited product listings.
    • Description fields to highlight product characteristics for any or all listed items.
    • Unrestricted access to update product listings and contact information.

Hardwood Wizard® increases accessibility to your products and company day and night to buyers throughout the world. It does it efficiently and cost-effectively.


Establish my Hardwood Wizard® Merchant account

Creating an account is as simple as being a HMR subscriber and letting us know you are interested. We will gladly provide you information needed to set up your account in the Hardwood Wizard® system and are happy to offer a tutorial for managing your account.

Just give us a call at (901) 767-9126.